« In my “work of remembrance” I put all my effort, as we all should, into young people. To show them the horrors they could be lead to, as many of their forebears were. To show what happens when there is inaction in the face of injustice, exclusion and barbarity. In this ‘“work of remembrance” we must also remind young people that the executioners were ordinary people, just like any of us. So, we must be vigilant as to how we respond to others, so we do not in turn become their executioners. » 


Remembrance and Vigilance, past and present

Sam Braun fought for Human Rights and the Rights of the Citizen. For him the call of the past and for remembrance was only justified in the context of the vital task of monitoring world events, especially social and political developments in France and Europe. So, he linked the Work of Remembrance with the work of vigilance. He called it awakening awareness, to participate in public debate, a debate of ideas, as well as involvement in community life.

“We still have work to do to be citizens !” A statement by François Bernheim

François Bernheim

Maybe we need to find ways to make people take more civic responsibility (through education). But this leads us to also be sensitive to the fact that we urgently need to fight for equality of all members of our society. They would then be more motivated to participate and improve our ability to ‘live together’.

François Bernheim

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“We must teach citizenship now” A statement by Jean-Louis AUDUC

Jean-Louis Auduc

When one looks at the current situation society is incapable of defining which values, principles and challenges are worth passing on to future generations… This lack of meaning facilitates ‘brain washing’…

The crisis is so serious that it means no parent can be assured that their child will have a better life than they did. This causes anxiety about the future and a feeling that the values of the Republic do not apply to everyone

Jean-Louis AUDUC

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